Posts Tagged ‘Rosacea Awareness’

Rosacea Awareness

May 4, 2008

Rosacea is a widespread disease in many parts of the US. In most cases, the Rosacea occurs in middle age and it features facial redness, flushing and visible blood vessels. Some types of Rosacea can cause red bumps, skin complaint, thickening of the skin, eye symptoms and uneven growths on the face. Although the causes of this disease are unclear, predictable expectations are the bacterial immigration, sun damage, chemical exposures, neurovascular disease, and rough oil glands. The main regions where this disease occurs on human body are normally the face and chest. It can also appear on the ears, neck, back and scalp. Some major types of Rosacea are Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, Phymatous Rosacea and Papulopustular Rosacea. It is important to start up treatment for this disease as soon as possible. You can get more information on various symptoms, signs, treatments and types of this disease if you attend Rosacea awareness camp or seminars.

Many NGOs, health care centers, and some government agencies organize Rosacea awareness camps in the US. This disease is more harmful in the US, as according to a survey there are more than 14 million victims of this disease in America. If you visit an awareness camp, there you will find various types of treatments and products on this disease. This disease varies in harshness and it is observable in episodes of swelling and flushing of the affected areas on the skin. You can notice many scratches on the skin that has been caused by Rosacea.

Most dermatologists and skin specialists advise people to treat this disease as soon as possible during the Rosacea awareness camps. If you ignore this disease, leaving blood vessels untreated, the skin will get redder.

Most of the Rosacea awareness sessions are organized to make you familiar with this dangerous disease. Several other symptoms of Rosacea are persistent redness on the face, plaques, dry appearance, and swelling. In many cases, the facial skin becomes bumpy and looks dry. Most signs can be noticed while smiling, frowning and looking sideways.

The National Rosacea Society has nominated April as Rosacea Awareness Month to make recognizable the people to its warning symptoms and to highlight the importance of seeking therapeutic aid. This disease is really frustrating and baffling for so many people. Its conspicuous symptoms can spoil various individuals in ways few minute imagine.

Although most of the specialists say that, there is no perfect treatment for Rosacea, you can get definite information on several available treatments and operations on this dangerous disease. Conventional medicine is one of the major available treatments for this disease. Conventional treatment is a medicinal help that can control the signs of this life disruptive disease at the early stage. You can also get various types of medicines on this disease during Rosacea awareness sessions. The conventional machine treatment includes several medicines such as Doxycycline, Isotretinoin, Minocycline, erythromycin, Azelaic acid, Tetracycline, and Metronidazole. Thus, there is a great importance of such awareness camps to get familiar with various types of diseases and treatments.