Archive for the ‘Acne Rosacea Cure’ Category

Rosacea Awareness

May 4, 2008

Rosacea is a widespread disease in many parts of the US. In most cases, the Rosacea occurs in middle age and it features facial redness, flushing and visible blood vessels. Some types of Rosacea can cause red bumps, skin complaint, thickening of the skin, eye symptoms and uneven growths on the face. Although the causes of this disease are unclear, predictable expectations are the bacterial immigration, sun damage, chemical exposures, neurovascular disease, and rough oil glands. The main regions where this disease occurs on human body are normally the face and chest. It can also appear on the ears, neck, back and scalp. Some major types of Rosacea are Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, Phymatous Rosacea and Papulopustular Rosacea. It is important to start up treatment for this disease as soon as possible. You can get more information on various symptoms, signs, treatments and types of this disease if you attend Rosacea awareness camp or seminars.

Many NGOs, health care centers, and some government agencies organize Rosacea awareness camps in the US. This disease is more harmful in the US, as according to a survey there are more than 14 million victims of this disease in America. If you visit an awareness camp, there you will find various types of treatments and products on this disease. This disease varies in harshness and it is observable in episodes of swelling and flushing of the affected areas on the skin. You can notice many scratches on the skin that has been caused by Rosacea.

Most dermatologists and skin specialists advise people to treat this disease as soon as possible during the Rosacea awareness camps. If you ignore this disease, leaving blood vessels untreated, the skin will get redder.

Most of the Rosacea awareness sessions are organized to make you familiar with this dangerous disease. Several other symptoms of Rosacea are persistent redness on the face, plaques, dry appearance, and swelling. In many cases, the facial skin becomes bumpy and looks dry. Most signs can be noticed while smiling, frowning and looking sideways.

The National Rosacea Society has nominated April as Rosacea Awareness Month to make recognizable the people to its warning symptoms and to highlight the importance of seeking therapeutic aid. This disease is really frustrating and baffling for so many people. Its conspicuous symptoms can spoil various individuals in ways few minute imagine.

Although most of the specialists say that, there is no perfect treatment for Rosacea, you can get definite information on several available treatments and operations on this dangerous disease. Conventional medicine is one of the major available treatments for this disease. Conventional treatment is a medicinal help that can control the signs of this life disruptive disease at the early stage. You can also get various types of medicines on this disease during Rosacea awareness sessions. The conventional machine treatment includes several medicines such as Doxycycline, Isotretinoin, Minocycline, erythromycin, Azelaic acid, Tetracycline, and Metronidazole. Thus, there is a great importance of such awareness camps to get familiar with various types of diseases and treatments.


May 4, 2008

Rosacea is an inflammatory disease, characterized by swelling, redness and papules on the facial skin. The disease mostly affects the adults between the age group of 30 and 60. It is more common in women and people with fair skin are at higher risk of developing this disease. There may be persistent redness on facial skin that gradually involves the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. This disease is not life-threatening, but it may disgrace your appearance which can lower your self-esteem.

The medical science is yet to unveil the exact causes of Rosacea. There are several theories put forward in finding the causes of Rosacea. According to one such theory, blood vessel disorder causes swelling of facial vessels which gives rise to Rosacea. Another possible cause of Rosacea is chronic infection in gastrointestinal system by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. According to some researchers, small mites such as Demodex folliculorum present in human hair follicles may contribute in development of this disease by blocking the openings of sebaceous gland. People with sun-damaged skin are at higher risk of Rosacea.

There are many factors that can worsen this disease by increasing the blood flow in the facials skin. Some of them are hot food or beverages, alcohol consumption, exposure to sunlight, temperature extremities, hot baths and saunas, strenuous exercise, stress, corticosteroids and drugs. These activities can dilate the blood vessels such as medications for blood pressure.

Typical signs and symptoms of Rosacea include facial redness, flushing and burning as well as red bumps and facial skin cyst. The skin may become clear for some weeks, months or years and then may erupt again. Rosacea generally tends to develop in stages and typically causes an inflammation of facial, especially the skin of cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. The nose becomes red and bulbous, generalized as rhinophyma. There are visible small blood vessels on your cheeks and nose. There is gritty or burning sensation in your eyes which is known as ocular Rosacea.

There are three phases of Rosacea such as pre-Rosacea, vascular Rosacea and inflammatory Rosacea. Rosacea may start with tendency to blush or flush easily and then progresses to persistent redness in the central portion of face. This redness is due to dilation of blood vessels. As the symptoms worsen, there may be development of vascular Rosacea. There is swelling of small blood vessels on nose and cheeks and they may become visible which is known as telangiectasia. Rosacea may be accompanied by dandruff and oily skin. In inflammatory Rosacea, there may be development of tiny red bumps or pustules which can spread across cheeks, nose, chin and forehead.

Rosacea is a chronic, non-curable skin disease having periodic ups and downs. The treatment is aimed to relieve signs and symptoms. The treatment for Rosacea is a combination of medications and self-care measures. The doctor may prescribe certain soaps, moisturizers, sunscreens and other products to improve your skin’s health. Topical antibiotics are prescribed to treat Rosacea. Metronidazole (Metrogel, Metrocream, Noritate) is one of the most commonly prescribed topical antibiotics. Azelaic acid (Finacea, Azelex) is another effective medication which helps to reduce redness and inflammation. If redness, enlarged blood vessels and changes due to rhinophyma remain persistent, then surgical methods like electrosurgery and laser surgery are applied.

Rosacea Causes

May 4, 2008

Rosacea is skin disease causes pimples on your cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. All these facial parts become red causing you to flush. Experts are not exactly sure what the exact rosacea causes are.

Rosacea causes are still unknown; researchers believe that a combination of environmental and hereditary factors is likely to cause rosacea. People with fair skin are generally affected by rosacea. It is found that sometimes this skin disease affects the entire family. Some people believe that rosacea is caused due to over consumption of alcohol. But it has been scientifically proved that over intake of alcohol is not responsible for causing rosacea. But people who are suffering from rosacea, drinking alcohol may aggravate the disease. One theory suggests that rosacea is caused due to blood vessel disorder. Rosacea often flares up when blood vessels in your face expand, which gives rise to redness.

Things that are responsible for causing a flare up are commonly referred as triggers. Common triggers are wind and sun exposure, exercise, spicy food, stress, alcohol and hot weather. Sometimes a hot bath also causes a flare up. Sudden change in temperatures from cold to hot or hot to cold may also trigger a flare up. Although these rosacea causes have not been conclusively proved, utmost care of the skin is essential. Neglecting your skin may not be beneficial for your health.

Steps should be taken to protect the skin. It is necessary that you avoid oily and spicy foods. Wear sunglasses and use skin protection creams to avoid direct exposure to your skin. When you consume alcohol, it leads to flushing of skin. This reaction may worsen rosacea. You may notice bumps or pimples around the cheeks. These are nothing but symptoms of rosacea. Sometimes tiny red veins that appear like spider webs are also seen on the face. The eyelids may also appear swollen and red.

Another theory suggests that chronic bacterial infections in gastrointestinal system may lead to helicobacter pyrlori infection. Some suggests that tiny mites also called demodex folliculorum that live in human hair also play a role in causing rosacea. These tiny mites clog up sebaceous gland openings. A sun-damaged skin may lead to rosacea.
Rosacea causes can be avoided by taking some precautions.

A person unnecessarily getting angry on small things is likely to suffer from rosacea. You must try to control your stress and anger. It is necessary for you to join some stress management programs. Some, in their enthusiasm perform strenuous exercises. This is also very harmful to health. Blood pressure medications which are responsible for dilating blood vessels should also be avoided. Some use corticosteriods to enhance their performance. This also can adversely affect your skin. Avoid extreme hot baths, especially during summer. All these factors increase your blood flow on the surface of the skin, which ultimately aggravates your skin problems. Although rosacea causes are unknown, this skin problem has some prescribed treatments, which give relief from this condition.

Ance Rosacea Cure

May 4, 2008

Acne rosacea cure involves making use of different therapies, medications, skin care treatments, surgeries, home treatments and following a healthy lifestyle. Though acne rosacea is not cent percent curable, acne rosacea cures can reduce the effects of this embarrassing skin condition so that you regain your natural beauty. Rosacea causes inflammation of skin, especially of the face. As the rosacea afflicts you, a distinctive redness which looks like permanent blush or flush will take up a major portion of your face. Soon afterwards, thin red lines and pimples similar to acne will develop on your skin. Often this skin disorder is called as acne rosacea but this can be awfully misleading because rosacea and acne are two totally different things.

Acne rosacea cures are widely available but there are certain misconceptions about this awful skin condition. People often think that acne is a part of rosacea skin disorder, but the truth is that its not. It’s not at all necessary that person affected by rosacea also has to be suffering from the problem of acne. This skin condition evolves in both women and men and typically begins after the age of 30 years. Though there are various studies going on for the causes of this dreadful skin disorder, it is been found out that several lifestyle habits and other environmental factors like eating spicy and hot foods, exposure to rain, wind, or sun, drinking alcohol, stress and temperature variations are responsible for rosacea skin condition. In addition, medications like ACE inhibitors are also related with the development of this skin disorder.

For best end results, you must treat acne and rosacea with separate treatments and for that good medical consultation is very essential. Medicinal acne rosacea cure includes skin creams and ointments that can be applied to face and area near by to neck. Different types of peels and massage creams are available that soothes skin and reduce the redness and pimples from skin. For the treatment of problems of eyes caused by rosacea skin condition, different eyelid cleansing materials, scrubbers, warm compresses are used.

Then apart from this, other acne rosacea cures includes antibiotics like doxycycline, minocycline and tetracycline. Topical drugs like metronidazole are also used as first line medication against redness, papules, pustules and inflammation. In addition, for treatment of bumps, lesions and papules can also be reduced with topical antibiotics like azelaic acid drugs. With oral medication, symptoms can be reduced and further disease progression can be altered. These drugs and oral treatment is useful against phymatous and papulopustular rosacea. Then laser therapy and pulsated light therapies are also beneficial. The blood vessels underneath the face skin are eradicated and the operations are performed under high supervision of cosmetic surgeons. Then rhinophema where in nose skin thickens and deteriorate your face structure. You can remove the thickness of skin by opting for methods like dermabrasion, laser surgery or electro surgery. Special electro surgery can be done for Teleangiectasie rosacea treatment. Medication without doctor’s prescription can prove to be fatal against acne rosacea and can lead worsening of the rosacea condition.

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May 4, 2008

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